I picked this boat up at the end of fall last year, at that time it had a small soft spot right where the floor meets the front deck, not a big deal. It would occasionally get a little water in it and after filling a couple of screw holes it would sporadically get water in the boat, now I’m only talking maybe a pop bottle full or so. Then over labor day weekend I was fishing with my son for maybe half an hour to 45 mins, when he gets his lure snagged in a tree on the bank. I went to the back of the boat to help him and just as I get to the back of the boat water starts coming over the floor. I quickly broke his line and started the motor, it took for ever to get on plane with the bilge pump running non stop.
My first thought was my plug fell out while we were running across the lake, well we made it to the access and I jumped out to check the plug (I always carry 2 extras) and the plug was still in there. So I loaded the boat on the trailer and pulled the plug, there had to be 25-30 gallons or water in the boat. Once on the trailer I crawled under it thinking I hit something and there was a hole in the boat, but I couldn’t find anything. After we got home I put the plug in and filled the boat with water till it was just at the floor, so I could find where the leak was coming from. after letting it sit for an hour, on the gravel driveway I went to look for water.
There wasn’t any water leaking, thinking what the heck there has to be a leak, I moved to the next logical spot. The livewell and bait tank, so I plugged the drain lines and filled them with water starting with the bait well. No leaks there so I went to the livewell and started filling it, after a couple of seconds the water started pouring out of the drain plug. I found my problem the drain hose for my livewell had become disconnected while we were going across the lake, the bad part was I couldn’t find the hose. After some digging I ended up finding it but there was no way I could reattach it, it was roughly an inch too short.
After digging around for the drain hose I could tell it had been leaking for quite sometime as the floor was starting to rot around it. Finding this is what prompted me to start the rebuild, I created a list of what I wanted to do and started removing floor pieces.
Here’s the list of what I want to accomplish with the rebuild; All new flooring through out the boat, new carpet, remove the bait well to add more storage, replace all the wiring, replace all the livewell hoses, replace electrical switches and revamp the rod storage to better accommodate 8 rods.
I’ll update the post as I go but here’s what the boat looked like before I started