1993 mercury 40hp

  • Bryan
    Posts: 34

    Was out fishing two days ago and my motor ran great. Today i went out and it started nice and has i was driving across the lake it started bogging down.

    It let me still drive slow but had no power. I turned the motor off and it would start right back up. Then when i gave it some throttle it would die. Any ideas?

    Im trying to see how much gas is in the tank as the gage dont seem to be working.

    Posts: 34

    I also just noticed the bottom carb has a little leak. Would that maybe be the problem?

    Its a 2 stroke oil injection motor

    Posts: 5303

    Where specifically is it leaking?

    Sometimes the carb will spit out fuel mixture out front making it appear like it’s leaking from bottom when it’s normal. If you can pump the bulb with cover off and engine off, while looking at whole fuel system sometimes you will see the leak, leaking.

    Posts: 34

    Its coming out the bottom of the bottom carb. It looks like a silver rod with a spring type peace on it. Right next to the bowl.

    The top carb has a peace on that part that goes to the bottom carb

    Posts: 34

    Here is a picture

    1. 20190706_114817.jpg

    Posts: 34

    Anyone know were to get 2 carb kits for a 1993 2 stroke 40 hp mercury? Im having a heck of a time finding them

    Posts: 3911

    when you look up parts on that vintage of motor you have to drop the 0 at the front of the serial number.

    places I use are marineengine.com
    Crowley marine.
    Sierra marine,

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6115

    Start with the primer bulb. Run it till it kills. Go back and check. If it’s flat OR need a lot of squeezes to get full/hard replace. Its a wear part. Might be quick easy fix. Been there with same problem. Especially if it’s a Merc primer bulb.


    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21784

    Where are you located?
    Hallberg marine has lots of parts in for older motors

    Posts: 34

    Im 1 hr south of mpls.
    I do have a carb kit on the way. The seal to bowl on the carb was breaking up and had bits all over in the bowl of the carb.

    How is the oil injection on those motors. Should i keep it that way or switch to mix gas?

    Also can anyone tell me if the motor itself has an alarm for issues? It never beeps even when turning the key. Wondering if its not working or does it only beep if there is an issue.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12216

    How is the oil injection on those motors. Should i keep it that way or switch to mix gas?

    Also can anyone tell me if the motor itself has an alarm for issues? It never beeps even when turning the key.

    No. Do NOT disconnect the oil injection in a working outboard. It’s 25 years old, how much more reliable do you think a system can get? It’s lasted 25 years. If it ain’t broke…

    Most owners do not understand how these systems work nor do they understand how reliable they are and how hard it would be for them to fail and run the engine without oil.

    Also, there is a vastly greater chance of you blowing up the outboard by disconnecting the oil injection and then forgetting to add oil than there is of the OI system failing. We always hear from the guys that claim an OI failure cooked their engine, but we seldom hear anyone saying yeah, I removed the OI system and then cooked my engine by forgetting to add oil. And you know it’s happened.

    I believe on a 93 you should hear a single beeeeeeeep when the key is turend to the on position.

    Then there are alarms IIRC first a beeping for low oil in tank. Then alarms for engine overheat, and an alarm for oil critically low.


    Posts: 34

    So my horn does not work. Ill assume thats what beeps for the motor? I dont see were the horn is located on my 93 alumacraft dominator cs.

    Posts: 3911

    first off,on that motor there is no alarm if the oil injection pump quits.
    there is or should be a sensor in the oil tank that will if working cause an alarm to sound when the reservoir is getting low on oil.

    when you turn the key on there should be a single long beep of about two seconds,that is to let you know the system is ready when you turn the key to the on position and it will go away once the engine is started.

    on most boats,the alarm horn is located under the dash and you would not believe how many times I have found that little alarm plugged tight with mud daubers nests.
    it may be that yours is bad,or has been unhooked because someone got tired of the low oil alert going off or the overheat sensor doing the same thing and just unhooked them instead of replacing the bad part.

    those older motors also had an alarm driver module that depending on what sensor was telling it what would sound a series of different alarm sounds.
    over temp was long unending beep,low oil was a series of beeps until the oil got critically low then it would become a long beep.
    the alarm driver module was noted for going bad,they would do one of two things,either not sound an alarm at all,or,the alarm would sound non stop.

    as Grouse said,dont unhook the oil injection system !! if you do and dont remove the pump and install a block off plate,the pump unless allowed to recirculate oil to the reservoir would run dry and seize up shearing the teeth off of its drive gear and those parts would end up in the lower crank bearing.

    the biggest worry you have with that motor is make sure the crankshaft main bearing drain hoses are not cracked or broken off at their fitting,if allowed to run that way a cylinder will run lean and burn a piston.
    you should see a hose coming down from under the flywheel to a tee fitting in the middle of the crankcase and a third at the lower end of the engine.
    to see the center drain and bottom hose fitting and hose correctly,you need to loosen the ignition module assembly and swing it out of the way.

    if the hoses look remotely weak,cracked,broken,replace them and to get the correct hose you will have to go to a dealer to get it as it is odd sized.
    if that motor has had any care at all and ran with good oil and non oxy gas it will serve you well for many years.

    while you are at it,check the fuel pump out,hopefully you wont find this but I would about bet you do.
    the debris under the check valves in this mercury pump are from a failed fuel line.

    1. KIMG0405.jpg

    Posts: 34

    Thanks for the info guys! Really appreciate it.

    Posts: 34

    So my bad luck just got worse. When putting the carb back togather the lower carb screw that holds the bowl on broke on me. No were on line has them and they do not make them anymore. Also could not find anywhere that had a bad motor with parts i could take. Im at a complete loss of what i can do

    Posts: 3911

    a local machinist should be able to make one for you easy enough but there are a ton of those motors out there,have you tried twin cities marine??
    give me a bit and I will see if I can find one for ya.

    Posts: 34

    Thanks !! Ill give them a call tomorrow and go from there if not ill give that one a try

    Posts: 34

    Well i got that part from Ebay. Thanks for the help iowaboy1! And got it all back together, and took it out and ran good. Thanks all

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    A happy ending!

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    Sheldon saves the day again!

    Chef Rover
    Posts: 3

    Hey folks,

    I have the same engine. Replaced the impeller kit. Gear oil replaced and was clean. Upon initial startup, it buzzes as expected, then quiet.. warms up, runs low for 5 min… after a bit, it starts buzzing… temp sensor shows water max at 98 degrees spouting out on idle. It seems if I wiggle the key/ignition on the throttle, at times, I’m able to stop it… almost like there’s a short. Not sure how to test or isolate the issue.

    The outboard is used and acquired it w/ oil tank removed and told they just mix the gas w/ oil when they fill it up. Is there a few steps outlined somewhere you could point me to? Appreciate the help.

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