sold1991 Lund S14 w/2008 25hp Yamaha – $3200

  • stillakid2
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    My dad bought this boat brand new and ran a 15hp tiller on it until he upgraded to the Yamaha 25hp in ’08. He’s a meticulous mechanic. I’ve had the craft since 2012 and it’s been flawless each and every season. Always stored indoors, solid floor, Runs 28mph with one person, 24mph with two. Trolls down nicely. Prop missing a little paint but no dings. No leaks. Trailer has LED submersible lights, guideposts, bull wheel, and bearing buddies. Spare tire included. 55lb. transom Motor Guide is optional. Has a Lowrance Elite 4x color sonar. I can throw in a pair of small life jackets and an anchor if desired. I’m only selling because I’ve upgraded. I’d take this boat anywhere! Honestly, I hate to see it go. It’s never let me down, ever, not once. Motor has electric start with rope backup. Typical dock wear for a boat of this vintage but still looks nice. Excellent starter package! Handles two adults with ease and has room for another child or two. Cross posted on Marketplace.

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1832

    If you don’t mind me asking, how much did you end up selling the boat for?

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I was offered my asking price.

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