1975 Lund Pro V Jump/Flip Seats

  • Raptormaster
    Posts: 31

    Looking for opinions and feedback from folks who went with the jump/flip (lund stock photo below) seats back of Lund 1975 (or 2075 even).

    Love them, hate them, worth it, not worth, etc?

    I do know coast guard regs that for seats to be considered occupant legal they need a backing. That is probably only reason I am considering adding them.

    I don’t see a ton of use for them fishing wise – will rarely have someone sitting in them. But again not a bad feeling for additional/legal seats when cruising with fam and guests.

    Thanks everyone,

    1. lund_pro_v_flip_up_seats-1.jpg

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    The jump seats are one of the reasons we bought a new Lund. I have 4 pedestal seats and I rarely bring #3 and #4 out with me. 4 people, 2 pedestals and the jump seats is perfect in my 1775 Impact.

    For opener I’ll bring one for the bow so someone can sit up there while fishing.

    Pillager, Mn.
    Posts: 137

    I think they are pretty comfortable, and the wife likes sitting on them. I also leave two of my pedestal at home I did have an issue with the back of one of the jump seats start to come off, but the dealer fixed it.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2102

    They are not bad. I have 3 pedestal seats and a bump seat for bow fishing.
    I always leave the 3rd pedestal seat in the truck and if I were to have 4 people two of them would sit in the flip seats. The third seat gets in the way and fishing would be downright miserable crawling around 4 seats in my opinion whether 1775, 1875,or even 20.
    I made two mats to go over the flip seats when they are down to reduce the wear and tear on them. In my opinion their backs are not strong enough to withstand someone standing and fishing on them regularly. Standard floor mat from Home Depot $7.99 and on the back of each I glued that heavy, plastic mat you buy for your chairs on carpet. Just cut it to fit and used contact cement for the adhesive – liquid nails would probably work too. They stay on the floor out of the way when not in use ( they become walking mats down there) and put them over the top of the jump seats when they are down so the person/s fishing in back step on them instead of the jump seat backs. The little pointy things keep them from moving around on the carpet. Works great.
    FYI, if you do NOT cover your boat when going down the highway either take them out or store under the steering wheel side in the little cubby where your feet go. Had to make a second pair…….
    I ALWAYS cover my boat now anyways after my windshield broke.

    1. Lund-mats-for-flip-seats-1.jpg

    2. Lund-mats-for-flip-seat-2.jpg

    Posts: 31

    Thanks guys. Every other decision on this boat build was simple for me except this. Still torn.

    Erik Swenson
    Posts: 515

    I don’t own a Lund, but I do like my jump seats.

    Comfortable place to sit back and relax when not used for boat guests.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2102

    Get the Jump Seats – don’t overthink it.
    Dont need em? Fold em down and forget em!

    What would you get without them?
    Already have a front livewell, rear livewell – what upgrades do you get w/o junpseats?

    Posts: 62

    I have an 1875 Tyee, and to me the jump seats are the best thing since sliced bread. I can comfortably cruise with 8 people using all four pedestals, jump seats and the bow conversion. I typically don’t like casting, jigging or rigging with more than 2-3 people so it’s not much help in those situations. Where I really like it is when I’m trolling, I’ll fish with up to 4 guys. It’s nice to have them sit in the jump seats and leave that extra space where the pedestal seats go in the back for fighting fish.

    However, the design is different than the Pro V if I’m not mistaken. On the Tyee, they are integrated into the rear casting deck, whereas on the Pro V I think the whole seat assembly flips over to either use the seat or extend the casting deck. You’ll just have to be honest with yourself how much you will use them compared to how much they get in the way when you want to access your live well and storage back there. Just like everything in these boats, it’s all a trade off.

    Hodag Hunter
    Northern Wisconsin
    Posts: 480

    I bought my first (and last) boat this spring. I asked friends of mine, who have purchased several boats over the last 20 years – What does my new boat need? Their current boat is a Lund Impact 1875(1775?)

    He said – all vinyl, not carpet.
    She said – flip over rear seat.

    They don’t use he seats often but they fold them over and use the then larger rear casting deck.

    I ordered them for my Alumacraft Classic. I have never sat in them for more than a minute, BUT use the rear casting deck nearly every time I/we go fishing. And there is always a seat if someone needs it. Zero regrets.

    Posts: 0

    I have a 1675 impact and love the jump seats. I even sit back there when trolling every now and then.

    Mark Steffes
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1376

    I have the jump seats on my 2021 1975 ProV, love them!

    1. DC0AAFC6-110E-46E3-A44E-1EE8B5F65AB7-scaled.jpeg

    2. 9588FF73-1ADE-4D1A-89FB-D2398AC026E0-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 31

    Nice Mark love the photos. Fingers crossed Lund comes through and I can close April sometime. Hope you’re happy with the purchase.

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