1800 Lund Tyee Bad hole shot

  • Chris Jensen
    Posts: 7

    Hello I have a 2015 Lund Tyee 1800. I have a 175 Merc Verado on it as well as a 15 HP pro Kicker. My problem is it has terrible hole shot. It is ok if I’m by-myself or one passenger in the passenger seat. But if I have 3 or 4 adults in the boat it has a hard time getting on plane. The nose lifts high and starts plowing water. I need to shift weight to the front of the boat to get it to get onto plane. It acts as though I am not trimmed all the way down even though I am (I think?) Or like I have a lot of weight in the back. Once the boat is on plane it has tons of power and handles awesome.
    I was running a 19 pitch Tempest SS. I also tried a 19 pitch black max. I don’t think the prop is the issue it is that the boat plows water and lifts the nose to much.
    The motor is mounted on the second lowest bolt hole I can try to lower the motor to the lowest setting but it came like this from factory. Could my trim not be going in all the way even though you hear it go over relief and the gauge says it is. Anybody have suggestions or experience this before.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Prop. Drop to an 18 or 4 blade maybe…..mercury has a great prop calculator on their site, try that and see what it says….but you need more prop. I am guessing you hub isn’t spun since you had the same result with 2 different props.

    Chris Jensen
    Posts: 7

    I will try and borrow one to try but I have friends that have similar set ups and do not have the same issues. I feel like 19 wouldn’t be to much prop for a 175 HP on this size of boat. Does anyone have a 18 foot boat with 150 Hp or more and what prop do you run and how does it perform??

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    The calculator says you should have around a 21 which seems like way too big. When is the last time you put new plugs in? The Verados are known for fouling plugs and dumping in extra fuel.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    I have a 19′ boat with a 140 zuki on it and I think I have a 19 pitch but my boat is not as heavy as a tyee.

    Chris Jensen
    Posts: 7

    I haven’t changed the plugs yet as the performance on the top end was awesome. I’m pulling around 6000RPM so I didn’t think they were an issue. Maby worth a shot.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    You are seeing very little load on the top end and wouldn’t notice a fouled plug. And it is a few minute job in your driveway to see if it works.

    Has it always been this way or is it something new and getting worse.

    Posts: 433

    It sounds like you need to put the heavy people up front.

    Chris Jensen
    Posts: 7

    I don’t think a boat of this size and horse power should be affected by 3 average adults. Not huge people Maby 200 pounds is the heaviest. I believe there is more to it then weight distribution.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 708

    I have a 2012 1850 Tyee with a 175 Verado. So even a bit heavier than yours, tho I don’t have a kicker.
    I am running the same program the boat came with originally.
    I get great holeshot even with 4 people and a weeks worth of camping gear for up on Rainy. I run a 14.25 x 21 aluminum merc prop. My motor is mounted on the second hole from the TOP. You need to raise the motor to bring the front end down on holeshot.
    I think this is where the issue may be. Being mounted two spots lower you are pushing the front end up. A lot. And with the added weight of a kicker it’s making the push even worse.
    When I used the Merc prop selector program when I bought a spare (you gotta have one on Rainy) it fitted my boat with a 14.5 x 19. So that is what I have for a spare.
    Tho I have never had to have the prop on the boat (knocks on wood) so I don’t know how it performs.

    I know it’s not an easy fix but it sounds like a serious issue. I would seriously look at raising the motor to alleviate the issue. Talk to the dealer you bought it from and see what they say. My .02

    Chris Jensen
    Posts: 7

    I may have described my motor mounting incorrectly. My motor is almost as low as it can can be. I can drop it one lower it would be as low as I can make it. Are you saying yours is mounted 2 higher than mine? So you have 3 holes above the bolts?
    Just want to clarify

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    You can’t really go by the holes it is in on different boats. Best way to compare is the height above or below the bottom of the hull the cavitation plate is.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 708

    Transom height/width/chine width on the 1850 and 1800 Tyee’s are almost identical, (both 25″ high, with 1/2″ difference in the other 2) so with the same motor there should be little to no difference.
    OK, I misunderstood your original post. I have only one open hole above the top bolt, so it sounds like ours are mounted in the same spot.
    Really confused now, in 8 years I’ve never had a situation where I’ve had holeshot problems like you describe?

    Hastings, Mn
    Posts: 477

    I have a buddy who runs tyee 1800 with a 175 verado. Not sure where his motor is mounted and he doesn’t have a kicker. However he does run a 4 blade prop and doesn’t seem to have trouble with hole shot. Probably not much help….

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3538

    Does your Tempest have the plastic plugs right in front of each blade? What really helps hole shot is have some ventilation going on in front of each blade to get my hole shot I had them drill a 1/4 inch hole in front of each blade. So what happens when I put the hammer down my Opti jumps to about 3,500 RPM it jumps out of the hole and as the boat picks up speed those holes get shut off by water flowing across them. It feels like when burning rubber on a car and the car catches up to the speed of the motor.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1069

    The vent plugs Tom mentioned will likely help some. You also said you’re only getting 6000 RPM’s on a 6400 RPM engine, drop your prop pitch.

    Chris Jensen
    Posts: 7

    I changed the spark plugs yesterday and it didn’t seem to change anything. I’m currently running a 19 pitch black max I took the tempest off thinking that Aluminum would help the engine spin up faster rather than lugging it down.
    Today I lowered the motor to the lowest hole. The cavitation plate on the leg is now level with the bottom of the boat. Hopefully this helps but I will likely loose some top end. But I don’t cruise top speed anyways. Will find out tomorrow.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Is the prop the right diameter….something doesn’t seem right, you should be able to turn a 21 pitch prop. Do you know anyone with a similar setup you can try prop swapping?

    Is this a new issue or has the boat always been this way?

    SE MN
    Posts: 1069

    I dug through some Merc boat house bulletins as well as the Lund red book for that year. I can’t find the exact BHB for your boat and motor, but I found it for a 150, mounted in the second hole, with a very light load and no kicker. It ran a 19 Tempest at 5700 RPM’s. I suspect they would have originally ran a 19 Tempest with a 175HP on that boat to get the RPM’s to 6400. I would be really curious if a 17 pitch Enertia would wake it up. All your gear, trolling motor batteries, people, and their gear piled into that boat, likely in the back, with another 120lbs of kicker weight on the transom will have a pretty big effect on planning speed. Unless this is a new issue I still suspect prop. FYI Lund has hung engines in the 2nd hole for years outside of V8 ProXS(3rd hole). Going lower could help a little with planning, but it will also really hurt performance, and you will also likely need to go even lower in prop pitch because your RPM’s will go even lower. Go too low with engine height and you could even induce a porpoise.

    Chris Jensen
    Posts: 7

    Sorry for the delay I’ve been at my Cabin and have terrible service. I dropped the motor to the lowest setting. I find the hole shot got better and haven’t really lost performance. With the 19 pitch black max I’m pulling 6200 RPM and going 48.5 MPH on GPS. That’s with my two kids wife and dog in the boat with me. So far so I’m happy with it. I’m going to crawl in the water and put the 19” SS Tempest and see what happens. I know before the motor drop I could get 55 MPH with that prop. I’ll see what I lost and how it is coming out of the water.

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 39

    I had the same problem years ago and Supreme Marine (Minneapolis) fixed me up with a five (5) blade SS prop that fixed the problem. I’m unsure if they are still made but you could call them.

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 39

    The prop was a Mercury HighFive

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