
  • Josh
    Posts: 35

    It’s happened a couple times on my 17hmr that after the shell is fired the case splits and sticks in the chamber and have to get a small flat head screwdriver to pry out. Has happened a couple times out of a couple hundred rounds. It’s winchester brand.

    1. 1592267480411396562349114459634.jpg

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1429

    I use 17 grain Hornady and I have not seen this happen But I only have shot a couple hundred rounds. What brand of gun are they being shot out of?

    Posts: 35

    Savage with the heavier barrel

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1429

    Savage with the heavier barrel

    That is the same gun I am shooting mine out of. I guess we will have to see if anyone else has seen this.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3183

    I’ve heard of 17hmr coming split in the box. Inspect it all before you shoot it, could be the ammo itself.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13919

    If that’s factory loads, contact manufacturer. Are the primers popping out?

    Typically for split necks you have a few things that cause it. We see this more common in reloading.

    Brass is worn out from resizing too many times

    Improper neck sizing

    Over pressured – too hot of a load creating too much psi for the brass to handle. This is probably the most common. Using powders with incredibly fast burn rates build pressure much faster.

    Very rare, but sometimes the throat to the lands in the rifle is Bored too Large allowing the brass to over expand too much. We had that in a Browning and savage in larger calibers.

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 270

    Typically for split necks you have a few things that cause it. We see this more common in reloading

    Try different brands of ammo. It could be the bore in your rifle. Some rifles are picky on what they like to shoot. That’s more common in ceterfire rifles, especially with reloads. 17 HMR is rimfire ammo and not reloadable. My Savage 22 mag will jam everytime with Wincherster, but shoot perfect with Hornaday. And it’s a bolt action.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1161

    I’ve always run the Hornady (forget specific grain weight) in a Savage and never had an issue.

    In my 10/22 I know I have never been able to get the Remington thunderbolt ammo to run with any consistency. Lots of split cases and prying out with a pocket knife, but never had any issue with CCI or Winchester. I would suggest trying a different ammo.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13919

    Oopppss. Didn’t look at the caliber that close. Won’t have primers popping out on those

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12293

    Have never seen that happen or had to extract a 17 HMR from the chamber.

    I would not fire any more of that ammo. Change brands and try again. If cracked cases go away, in the interest of the safety of your fellow shooters, contact the manufacturer with the concern and the lot number.

    It’s worth noting in the summer that all ammo should be kept out of the sun. Some powders are temperature sensitive and firing a round that’s been either heating in a hot chamber or in the sun can produce a pressure spike. I doubt this is the case here, but worth mentioning as it’s summer.


    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 711

    17hmr gets old and brittle and your chamber might be a little larger than most. I checked an older box of hornady I have a while back and about 10% were starting to crack without being fired, these are from 2005 according to the stamp and I looked at a box from 2013 and none are cracked.

    I had issues with my Savage BMag in 17WMR and cracked cases after firing and that ammo wasn’t old

    eyota, mn
    Posts: 599

    I have seen this issue with alot of the conversion 10/22 to 17HM2. I have also seen it from head space issues.

    I have some old ammo I will check tonight as i haven’t shot any of mine since about 09.

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