Found out yesterday that Nokomis had a new w 15 / 5 total panfish regulation. That is you can only keep 5 gils or crappie, perch and have a total of 15 panfish. In my opinion this is a stupid move by the Dnr. Panfish are called such for a reason. And while over fishing can reduce the size of the population, 5 is just plain dumb. A working stiff with a family of four can’t even get away for a couple hours and come home with enough fish to feed his family a meal. How many people are going to come to a lake in vacation country for a 5 panfish limit. My lake – Solberg, had its limit changed to a 10 fish limit max and I whole heartily agree with that, but that is as low as I would ever want to see a lake go. It will be interesting to see how this limit effects resorts on lakes with the 5 / 15 limit. I mean they cant rely on deer hunting for revenue because there are none left. Now this. What are people supposed to do up here, look at the trees?

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