13 ArchAngel Ice Rod

  • marcolson13
    Posts: 128

    Looking for some info from someone that owns this rod. They have finally come down in price to around or under $100.

    It’s a 27” mag light, but I don’t see a lot on what that actually feels like. Is this a perch/light walleye rod? Is this a tungsten type panfish rod etc…

    Any info would be great! TIA

    Muhamed Hodzic
    Posts: 11

    I went to Thorne Bro’s last Saturday convinced I was going to walk out that store with archangel in hand.it reminded me of the croix legend extreme. It is very nicely built, there is a artistic patch of exposed/polished carbon fiber on the handle with a aluminum(?) cap on the handle. The carbon is automotive grade, well put together, 1500 made with a inscription #xx/1500. Then I felt the tip……I thought it was made of steel it was so stiff. I’m a big panfish guy and had that in mind for this rod. I ended up ordering a 32” quiver stick instead. They have not sold a single one this year.

    Posts: 1040

    Take a look at Kraemer Custom Rods. I bought their 28″ noodle rod and it is pretty sensitive. $75 on the website.

    Posts: 168

    Well the archangel rod is designed to feel the bite. As opposed to seeing the bite. Hence the much stiffer tip than one would normally expect.

    I like everything about the archangel except its price. Even at 100 I will personally pass.

    Minnesota & Alaska
    Posts: 81

    I have the archangel as well, I love it for Walleye fishing, not my fist choice for panfish, prefer my tucr bullwhips for that.

    If you happen to find the 0013 of 1500 as these were only made for a limited time, I will purchase it from you. HAHAHA or if you buy it and then log into instagram and look up 13fishing, let them know you have the #0013 rod, you will win a custom black betty free fall (trick shot) reel, 120$ reel, they are actively trying to find the #0013 rod. Only 1500 were made.

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