12th Annual Officer Schneider Memorial Tournament Entry Form

  • jimmysiewert
    Posts: 598

    Here we go – the 12th Annual Officer Shawn Schneider Memorial Fishing Tournament for scholarships to those wanting to go into a law enforcement career. This comes as one of our first recipients of this scholarship is laid to rest after losing his life in the line of duty this past week in the tragedy that unfolded in the cities – Matthew Ruge. We will never forget!
    Please join in this wonderful event with the best fish fry ever for all the contestants ever. This IS THE BEST FISHING EVENT on the Mississippi River! Please contact me with questions.

    Jimmy Siewert

    Posts: 24960

    Sounds like a great event thank you for sharing!

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6158

    Jimmy and his crew run a top notch tournament. Highly recommend if you can make it. waytogo


    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9092

    Jimmy – Does this tournament usually fill all 100 spots?

    I have mostly put competitive fishing behind me, but for such a good cause would consider adjusting my plans to participate. I won’t know if it will work out until likely mid June based on work projects.

    Thanks for continuing to put this together. The last time I stopped by (had my wife and some of her friends drop me and a few buddies off via the tritoon) we enjoyed some raffles and way more than a few beers supporting the cause.

    Posts: 598

    We have been between 55 – 70 boats year over year. There will always be openings for anyone wanting to join in! You have been there at the banquet so you know how fun it is! The actual tournament is meant to be a “fun” tournament – but some darn good sticks too! So many winners have given their winnings back to this cause which is a tribute to all!

    Hope to see ya!

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9092

    Thanks for the info. I’ll see what I can do. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll be sure to send some $$$ with a few guys I know that fish it to put towards the cause.

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