120 johnson outboard

  • Rita Lopez
    Posts: 4

    We have a 120 johnson outboard. It is not getting fire. We have changed the spark plugs, plug wires, coil pack, primer bulb and a stator. It has strong cranking power its just not getting fire. Any idea on what else we can try?

    Posts: 3883

    one thing you can try without any tools is to unplug the black/yellow wire at the power pack, if spark returns you have a problem in the ignition kill circuit.
    If still no spark disconnect the two yellow wires at the rectifier/voltage regulator, if spark returns you have a problem with the rectifier/voltage regulator.
    from there you will need a volt/ohm meter and a DVA adapter to do any further testing.
    I can walk you through that testing if you have the correct tools and know how to use them, I will need your motors model number.

    Posts: 534

    If your Johnson is anything like my Merc. You need to have your starter turn over the motor around 300 rpm for the stator to create enough voltage for the motor to fire.

    Rita Lopez
    Posts: 4

    I have to pics here one is the ignition , kill switch and the second photo we have no idea what that is.

    1. 20210903_165636-scaled.jpg

    Rita Lopez
    Posts: 4

    The control box has a turn dial. Do you know what that is used for?

    1. 20210903_165602-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 3883

    the knob below the ignition switch is for setting the tension on how hard/easy the shift handle operates.
    the pic with transistorized box, without a number off of it I am purely guessing that is some sort of alarm driver module or light controller module, get us a shot of the number on the other side of it if there is one.

    Rita Lopez
    Posts: 4

    I will see if I can get any numbers on it.

    1. 20210903_175150-scaled.jpg

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