Went out of Wealthwood public access early Friday morning. Took wheeler with chains. Wish I would have brought snowmobile. Wheeler did ok but more snow than I expected from reports. Lots of drifts to drive around made it a rough ride out in the dark. Went straight to 9 mile flat. Drilling holes at 6:55 fished till 5:15. Morning was slow but iced 6 before the move. About 11:30 moved to Fishers. At 3:00 they flipped a switch. Caught 5-7 in about 5 minutes then slowed again. Iced 17 total, 5 were 12” or under, biggest was a very fat 23”. Only caught 3-4 fish on set lines, few more flags and couple lost ones. The rest were jig fish. Some id have to work them but others would just come in and smash it. Few lost ones on jig too. If I went back I’d be taking sled.

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