1199ci HD SI or Onix 8 SI NT – Price difference is $200

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 18938

    With the current rebate programs $300 off 1199ci HD SI vs $100 off Onix 8 No Touch, the online price difference between the 2 units is about $200 more for the Onix 8. For those that have either unit, don’t you think $200 more for the Onix 8 NT is worth it to get the better technology and with the white data bar on the 1199, pretty much the same screen size?

    I’m ready to finally pull the trigger on the Onix, but seeking other opinions…

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13784

    I’ll be going Onix on the next upgrade.

    Posts: 3696

    I’ll be going Onix on the next upgrade.

    Wondering if you meant next upgrade for your boat or next upgrade for Onix? I’m curious if the next upgrade for Onix will be software updates or if a new machine is next? I’m torn on this one too ~

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13784

    sorry – meant the next upgrade in my boat. The Onix is already running faster than the 11XX series.

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    Onix only networks with other Onix units. That is what has be holding off at the moment.

    Posts: 18938

    You know something completely new is coming out next year from Humminbird as their legacy units have been pretty much unchanged now for the past few years and the rebate their currently offering is insanely good in an attempt to move product off shelves. I suspect they’ll expand the Helix models to 8 & 10 inch screens and be done with the legacy product line, focus on the Onix and Helix lines moving forward…

    Do I hold off another year or pull the trigger right now with the attractive rebates…

    Posts: 18938

    Wondering if you meant next upgrade for your boat or next upgrade for Onix? I’m curious if the next upgrade for Onix will be software updates or if a new machine is next? I’m torn on this one too ~

    The current Onix line will be around for awhile with your standard Processor/Memory upgrades added each year. It appears the current Onix hardware might not be powerful enough to push the software, so you might see a larger than normal spec boost next year. The 2.0 software update really only shows what the 1st gen Onix should have looked like out of the box…I’m really happy they now offer a no-touch model as the last thing I want on my screens is fish slime…

    I’m torn on what to do, I still don’t have console electronics on my boat as I’ve been waiting for something to get me motivated to spend $2,000 on a fish finder…I haven’t seen it yet as everything out right now has some kind of flaw to it that makes me say “meh”

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    I think the legacy line up was revamped last year and there pricing did go down on them some with the addition of internal GPS. Not sure if the processors were changed but they seam faster then there prior units.

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1519

    I’ve been going through the same debate for rigging my new boat: Core units with the big rebates or step into the Onix.

    I decided that what I wanted most is something that meets my needs, and the quality of the Core units makes them an incredible value with the current rebates. Screen size matters a lot to me, more than some improvement to resolution or target separation. They also need to get some issues worked out with the Onix units still. I figure that I can skip a generation on the newer units while they work out the kinks, and then upgrade in a few years when I need a gee-whiz fix.

    For now I went with a network of 999SI/1199SI/Ethernet/Link. The price savings over an Onix network was substantial.

    Posts: 18938

    The price difference is $200 between an 8″ Onix SI NT vs 1199ci HD SI, although I mocked up a 1199 on cardboard and it’s just too big for my taste on my console… I’m going with an 8″ screen for sure, just trying to decide between an Onix 8 SI NT at $1,800 or a 999ci HD SI for $1,100 after rebates… or waiting till next year to see what’s new…The white box issue of the legacy units really pisses me off too, the 8″ 999 screen is actually about 6.5″ if you figure in the white data boxes…

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    Like some of you, I debated about all of this long and hard over the last few months. For me, changing over to anything new, means that I also have to change my trolling motor out because it’s only a Powerdive (not V2), so I-Pilot compatibility was out of the question. I was going to go with Lowrance Gen 2, then Gen 3 and an Xi5, but due to cost, I scaled back. Then, after looking at H-birds, I decided to change all my existing Lowrance networked stuff to all H-bird stuff. I started this process by buying the 1199. Personally, for me, I’ve decided that my world will consist of only those electronics that I really need/use and nothing more. I’ve decided that keeping my bait in the water is more important, even if there are no fish on the other end of my line. That’s the only reason I went with the 1199 instead of the Onix. 2 months out of the box and (ALL) electronics are outdated. I set my course, now I have to stick with it. I just hope it runs for a few years before it craps out on me.

    Posts: 18938

    I think the legacy line up was revamped last year and there pricing did go down on them some with the addition of internal GPS. Not sure if the processors were changed but they seam faster then there prior units.

    You’re correct on the internal GPS and faster processor, although the internal GPS chip saves Humminbird money over the external puck and the faster processor is more of a supplier standard than Humminbird choosing to go with a fast chip, they also cut some corners (fewer backlight LEDS is one example) to help themselves justify the price drop (which really only got them back to being competitive price-wise with Lowrance, Raytheon and Garmin’s newer units)

    Posts: 18938

    Like some of you, I debated about all of this long and hard over the last few months. For me, changing over to anything new, means that I also have to change my trolling motor out because it’s only a Powerdive (not V2), so I-Pilot compatibility was out of the question. I was going to go with Lowrance Gen 2, then Gen 3 and an Xi5, but due to cost, I scaled back. Then, after looking at H-birds, I decided to change all my existing Lowrance networked stuff to all H-bird stuff. I started this process by buying the 1199. Personally, for me, I’ve decided that my world will consist of only those electronics that I really need/use and nothing more. I’ve decided that keeping my bait in the water is more important, even if there are no fish on the other end of my line. That’s the only reason I went with the 1199 instead of the Onix. 2 months out of the box and (ALL) electronics are outdated. I set my course, now I have to stick with it. I just hope it runs for a few years before it craps out on me.

    That’s a good honest answer, one that I find myself asking alot now too, “What do I actually need from a fish finder” vs what the manufacturer says is cool and needed. This question points me towards getting a 999ci HD SI, the only thing that scares me is that Humminbird abandons supporting the legacy line in the near future so issues like the messed up 2d sonar don’t get fixed…

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    Seams like you have done your homework more then any of us. Sounds like you are also limited on space for where you want to mount it on your dash so that may help your decision some. I have a MX2025 with full glass and have 2-1100 series graphs on the dash so I know if there is a will there is a way!

    Posts: 18938

    The MX1825 has the same amount of dash room, it’s just more of a personal preference for me to have a smaller graph size up there.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Seams like you have done your homework more then any of us. Sounds like you are also limited on space for where you want to mount it on your dash so that may help your decision some. I have a MX2025 with full glass and have 2-1100 series graphs on the dash so I know if there is a will there is a way!

    Can you post a picture of this please? What mounts did you go with to make it work?

    Thank you!


    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    Ram swing arm on the right and 2.25″ ram ball mount on the left.

    1. 20150205_191429.jpg

    Posts: 18938

    nice clean install! how does the 2.25 ram ball mount handle rough water with a 1198 attached??

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    nice clean install! how does the 2.25 ram ball mount handle rough water with a 1198 attached??

    I have had pretty good luck in the past with the 2.25″ RAM mount once you crank them tight and I mean tight! Humminbird 1100 series units are lighter then the 10″ Lowrance line so that I am guessing makes quite a bit of difference in staying put. The RAM Swing arm can have a tendency to loosen up some in rough water and move around. These were the 2 mounts that allowed this setup to work so had to go with it.

    I also have just put a 1198 on the bow in a Cisco mount and a 1198 in the back on a Cisco mount but have no personal experience with the Ciscos on the water yet but they seem very solid if you have room for them.

    Posts: 18938

    I’m going to be removing my 999 after every use so the ability to quick disconnect is very important to me, I’m looking at either the RAM 2.25 ball or Johnny Ray mounts…The Swing Arm mount is awesome, but I don’t want to unscrew 2 swivel knobs everytime….

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    Yeah I leave all my units on the boat. Swing arm is just one knob to remove the unit and it quicker to remove and install then the 2.25″ ram ball will be.

    Check out the Cisco mounts if you are looking at mounting just one graph. They will fit very good on the dash and remove quickly with 2 thumb screws. Last week when I was up Skeeter boat center in Ramsey and they just had mounted an Onix on the dash of a MX2025 with a Cisco mount an it came out really nice!

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Thanks for the picture kroger and very nice install!


    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1519

    for the past 4 years i’ve used both the 2.25″ ball for a 998, and the swing arm for an 1198. both mount styles are very solid under normal conditions. in rough water, the 2.25″ ball allowed a small amount of movement; the swing arm stayed rock solid at all times. i lock my units up after every use too, and i found that the swing arm was quicker and easier to remove than the ball.

    in fact, my new mounts just arrived today: i went with swing arms for both the bow and console of my new boat.

    Posts: 18938

    with the Swing arm mount, aren’t you unscrewing an aluminum threaded knob with a washer? I would think over time that aluminum thread would start to wear out and always having to deal with a loose washer would be a pita…My previous boat had RAM ball mounts and it was super easy to just loosen the grip and slip it over the ball…

    I’m gonna go with a RAM mount for the infinite adjustability, appreciate the feedback though!

    Posts: 3696

    Joe, question for you… I have two 998’s and I am looking to add 360 Imaging – am thinking of phasing in Onix (because of cost), and may sell one 998 in the bow and replace it with an ONIX but keep the other 998 at the helm for now – will I be able to view the 360 on both units? I know the Onix doesn’t communicate with legacy units like a 998 but is that only for waypoints, etc…. Not sure that applies to 360 Imaging .. ??

    Posts: 18938

    No, Onix only shares with Onix in terms of sonar (360/SI/DI) You can also share 1 map chip across 2 onix devices..

    The legacy 9 series can share SI/DI imaging with other 9 series non-SI/DI units too..

    Posts: 3696


    This isn’t getting any easier ~

    Posts: 18938

    tell me about it, it’s a $700 difference between the Onix 8 SI NT and a 999ci HD SI…The smart decision is the Onix because it’s better technology and you actually can use the full 8.4″ of screen. The legacy unit provides more than enough info for me to fish with, it has a quick disconnect option (I remove my electronics after every use) and it’s cheaper. Those darn white data boxes just urine me off though and Humminbird for some strange reason, has avoided the #1 customer complaint for years now, so what does that tell you?

    My boat came with a glassed in Humminbird 2d transducer that I wanted to use, so that’s why I looked at birds…

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    What white data boxes are you talking about??? Never have had anything thing like it in my boats…. Am I missing something?

    Also if you want the performance from your 2D sonar then go away from the glassed in transducer and just have it there for a back up and take the temp sensor for it and install it in the livewell. They wont read anywhere near as clear as a transom mount one. At least from what I have seen in my last few boats.

    Posts: 18938

    I really only want decent high speed depth readings from the 2d sonar…

    The white data box issue screenshot is attached, only the SI full screenview allows you to remove them, otherwise they are always on every screen…removes about 20% of your visible screen size. Why they don’t simply overlay the numbers over the screen like Lowrance boggles the mind! Lowrance’s $100 units even allows you to change the font size….

    They proved they can do it on the full screen SI view, why it’s not allowed on all screens Humminbird WILL NOT ANSWER (I’ve asked this question directly to Humminbird Pro Staff and Engineers and they will not answer it!)

    1. 999.jpg

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