1/1/17 report

  • huskerdu
    Posts: 592

    Spent 2 days , 4 miles out did well Friday 40+ on Saturday 10, we were all alone on Friday, felt like we were parked on the road Saturday, I thought we were 500 yards off the main trail, what’s with driving within 50′ of someone’s house? I don’t know the validity of the what I heard in the cafe this morning the waitress said over 4000 trucks went out of 1 resort on Friday.

    Posts: 1671

    If it’s the same resort I went out of, for those 4,000 people they let out at $15/day they didn’t even have a dumpster for garbage, and their roads were urine poor at best and not marked at all. I will not name the resort as they don’t deserve any recognition good or bad. I did let them know my concern for these two matters all I got was smart mouthed by the bar tender, and a “what are we soposed to do with this volume of people” response by one of the owners. Sad deal. This resort has been making money hand over fist off the lake for years and they don’t seem to care if their customers leave their garbage all over the lake as long as they get their $. I did however catch my share of fish Tuesday-Thursday between Christmas and New Years. It was my boys and I’s inaugural trip in the new wheel house. They caught a ton of fish, and I even caught a 27.5″er! We had a blast. Can’t wait to get out again.

    Posts: 1671

    Pics didn’t load I will try again…..

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    One thing that would help is if you bring take it home? The garbage that’s generated is unreal. 3 nights 4000 wheel house 3 bags a garbage per house That’s 12,000 bags of garbage. Not sure how many dumpster they would need? Saw a resort at the county dumptster with a pick up full? It would be nice if a lot of that garbage could be taken home and tossed in there own cans. Just a thought.

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    One thing that would help is if you bring take it home? The garbage that’s generated is unreal. 3 nights 4000 wheel house 3 bags a garbage per house That’s 12,000 bags of garbage. Not sure how many dumpster they would need? Saw a resort at the county dumptster with a pick up full? It would be nice if a lot of that garbage could be taken home and tossed in there own cans. Just a thought.

    There you go making sense again Cookie! What, ask people to be responsible for their crap, in this day and age? What a concept. doah

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1534

    My wife and I fished Upper Red for the first time on Saturday (12/31) and Sunday 1/1). We ended with 1 walleye and 2 other bites. During the day we would move around with the truck only to not improve our luck (didn’t have a lake chip so we just tried spots near ice heaves). I was amazed at how many fish houses where out there.

    The house we stayed in was nicer than sleepers we have stayed in at other lakes. Although there seems to be quite a few people that do well when it comes to fishing Upper Red, I don’t know that its something we would do again

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