11 year old Mallard

  • sticker
    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    While in Canada last week we shot one drake mallard with a band. We called it in and here is the info we got back. It was hatched in KY 2006, rebanded in MD in 2007, and we shot it in Manitoba. I was very surprised it was 11 years old. Never thought they lived that long!

    1. mallard-band.jpg

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12493

    MD as in Maryland!?! Man that thing put some miles on!

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Wow! That’s an oldie. There’s an FB group called Band Hunters and I have seen some certificates of 12-14 year old birds before and it amazes me every time. Congrats! Just think how many ducklings that old man made!

    Posts: 1806

    That is very neat. Remarkable specimen, with thousands of miles traveled, the number of ducklings it helped make, and the sheer age of it. Wonder how many shots it dodged over it’s life? Do you have any pictures of the bird? Did it “show it’s age” at all?

    Posts: 6687

    Wow that’s special.

    Our group shot 6 banded one opening morning in talcot… They were all banned the previous year, in talcot. Lol. Tasted nice and young!

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    He was a little smaller than some of the mature drakes we got which made me think he was young, boy was I wrong.

    1. IMG_20171006_120845596-1.jpg

    Posts: 2218

    It didn’t have 11 years of football scores attached to its leg also? Can’t get the scores here. Bad signal. devil

    Congrats that is cool. waytogo

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