1 Billion

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12273

    Anyone remember the Seinfeld episode when they tried to donate all the muffin “stumps”…..

    That was exactly what we were joking about one time when I had to do a fast freezer cleanout to make room for the upcoming deer season.

    I had thought I had finished off my venison supply in about August and didn’t think much of it, but then my dad says, “Don’t forget you have 20 pounds of ground venison up here in my freezer.” I forgot.

    So I took 15 pounds of it and made a 747 jumbo jet sized batch of chili. I mean, chili is cheap, buy the store brand chili beans and tomato sauce, a few boxes of generic soda crackers, I doubt it cost $25 to make what turned into about 5 gallons of chili.

    I put it out in a line of crock pots and I borrowed a big roaster deal to hold more, and put it all in the lounge closest to the Engineering group at work at 8 in the morning. Sign on it: Enjoy the Chili. I walked in at 10:00 and there was 6 of the engineers sitting around a table looking at laptops and eating chili.

    “You guys having an early lunch?” I asked.

    “No, we’ll come back for lunch later. We’re just having some now in case the other guys eat it all.”

    Went in to clean up after work and there was nothing left but dirty crock pots and cracker crumbs. 5 gallons of chili doesn’t stand a chance against a 25 person Engineering group.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12273

    That’s hilarious Grouse!

    To me, the hilarious thing was nobody questioned what this chili was or where it came from. I never claimed credit. Nobody ever asked. It was like chili from heaven or something, food just appears, so they ate now and asked no questions later.

    I got rid of about 20 pounds of goose snack sticks that my uncle gave to me after he went to ND and shot the heck out of the geese one fall. Just put them in the lounge and they were gone by noon, no questions asked.

    Mrs. Grouse’s company got the wrong catering order at work one time and they got 3 of these great big frosted sheet cakes. Weird. The catering company said sorry, keep them so she drove over and I disposed of them in the Engineering lounge at about 2:00. 5 square feet of cake was gone by 5:00. I think it worked out to 3 pieces of cake for every employee.

    I mean, I’d at least want to know who brought it and maybe I’m just suspicious or whatever, but I’d be asking where is this stuff coming from.

    Posts: 24795

    Its funny what people do at work. We used to have corporate off-site meetings and these coach busses would just show up. Employees would start filing into them without even asking where the heck they were going.

    Posts: 2946

    Gotta be careful who you’re giving it too, though. Or at least make sure no one ever knows where it came from. I know some people at my work that would react as if they found out they were eating people if they unknowingly ate some venison chili.

    Posts: 24795

    Gotta be careful who you’re giving it too, though. Or at least make sure no one ever knows where it came from. I know some people at my work that would react as if they found out they were eating people if they unknowingly ate some venison chili.

    Yes, good point. We had a bunch of consultants from India and we would do potlucks. They would bring in fantastic dishes from their homeland. Many dont eat Beef, but loved it when we had venison.

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 1998

    1.9 Now, possibly 2 Billion if sales go berzerk.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17477

    Remember if your odds suck buying one ticket they still will suck if you buy two.

    Posts: 3319

    #1 Just because I were to get a fresh cake every day wouldn’t mean I ate a fresh piece of cake every day. The cakes that had pieces taken from them would go to employee lounges. That is precisely what I had in mind, actually. If your privileged ass turns its nose up at a high-quality, expensive cake because somebody took a piece, and it’s a day or two old, that is your business. Lots of people would be grateful for the gesture. I find the thought of putting an edible high-quality cake in the garbage grossly wasteful. Beyond gross, in fact, I find the thought morally disgusting.

    I’m not privileged at all Bass and would not turn up my nose at cake but in this day and age of lawsuit happy people many places would not accept it for liability reasons.

    Here is a true story for you.
    My wife and I went to a business convention in Vegas several years ago. About 6000 people from around the country. Breakfast and lunch were buffets. 8 buffets in 1 BIG convention hall. Breakfast was over at 10. Went down to eat at about 9:30 and maybe 100 people there. All 8 lines still open. Talking to a waitress that we chatted with every day I asked “What do the do with all these leftovers?” Her answer “Throw it out” I was stunned and asked “Couldn’t they donate the leftovers to the homeless or a halfway house, etc.” Her answer “They used to till someone filed a lawsuit over something, so now it goes in the trash”

    Posts: 1671

    Has anyone heard from EPG?!?! Someone bought a $50K ticket from “My Store” in Outing.

    Posts: 3319

    If it was EPG we won’t hear from him for at least 2 weeks. He MIGHT be sober by then. whistling

    Posts: 1671

    If it was EPG we won’t hear from him for at least 2 weeks. He MIGHT be sober by then. whistling

    Found him…

    NW Iowa
    Posts: 680

    Remember if your odds suck buying one ticket they still will suck if you buy two.

    This is absolutely 100% the truth!! That being said, my sons were shocked that I bought a ticket… I told them that if I can get a half billion payout for 2 bucks… I am in! And I can promise there would be a very pleased boat dealer with the multi-boat purchase, a pleased Toyota/ lexus dealer, a pleased Realtor or 2 and a whole bunch of happy kids who will be getting generous scholarships for many years to come.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1749

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Don Meier wrote:</div>
    Looks like it going to 1.5 billion ! Until the cash is in the hand most people don’t know how this will change your life. Because it will most definitely change lives. For a few it will be good and the rest, well the problems that come with receiving big money are well documented. Now where is my winning ticket LOl

    No ticked for me.
    I don’t need to be looking over my shoulder the rest of my life.

    True, but you could hire somebody to look over your shoulder for you IE bodyguard lol

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11099

    It wasn’t me, but it was the talk of the town yesterday.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17477

    It wasn’t me, but it was the talk of the town yesterday.

    Imagine the talk had it been a single winner of the whole thing. jester The town would have turned it’s self upside down trying to figure out who it was. Oh they would have drove themselves insane with speculation and jealousy. After a year or so it’s discovered a truck driver from Wyoming was the buyer driving through town. doah

    Money does funny things to people. rotflol

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12537

    Remember if your odds suck buying one ticket they still will suck if you buy two.

    Hahaha I went in to buy a ticket this morning, and the cashier accidentally printed 2 and told me to pick one. Said guess I’ll take both, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself picking the wrong one! rotflol rotflol rotflol

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