Anyone remember the Seinfeld episode when they tried to donate all the muffin “stumps”…..
That was exactly what we were joking about one time when I had to do a fast freezer cleanout to make room for the upcoming deer season.
I had thought I had finished off my venison supply in about August and didn’t think much of it, but then my dad says, “Don’t forget you have 20 pounds of ground venison up here in my freezer.” I forgot.
So I took 15 pounds of it and made a 747 jumbo jet sized batch of chili. I mean, chili is cheap, buy the store brand chili beans and tomato sauce, a few boxes of generic soda crackers, I doubt it cost $25 to make what turned into about 5 gallons of chili.
I put it out in a line of crock pots and I borrowed a big roaster deal to hold more, and put it all in the lounge closest to the Engineering group at work at 8 in the morning. Sign on it: Enjoy the Chili. I walked in at 10:00 and there was 6 of the engineers sitting around a table looking at laptops and eating chili.
“You guys having an early lunch?” I asked.
“No, we’ll come back for lunch later. We’re just having some now in case the other guys eat it all.”
Went in to clean up after work and there was nothing left but dirty crock pots and cracker crumbs. 5 gallons of chili doesn’t stand a chance against a 25 person Engineering group.