1/2 ton truck tires

  • LabDaddy1
    Posts: 2873

    Another vote for cooper discoverer at3’s. Decently quiet, aggressive look, good in snow and rain as well as ice. I don’t do a crazy amount of off-roading besides dirt roads and run of the mill occasional fields/woods and they’ve worked just fine for me. 80% of my driving is on the road so smooth quiet ride and mpg is a high priority too and they’re great for that. Just make sure you get the psi dialed in for even wear- try a chalk test. They’re pretty affordable and come with a 60k factory warranty. Only downside is they’re heavy tires.

    Posts: 338

    Just put a set of Kenda Klever AT2s on our good truck, only couple hundred miles but like them so far. I ran couple sets of the Kenda Klever MTs on my hunting truck, good tire for the money. Running Kanati Trail Hogs on hunting truck now, 2nd set and I really like them. FWIW all trucks are 1500 Chevy/GMC and all tires are 10 ply.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6795

    Here’s a wild shot in the dark. I have heard and read good things about Kenda Klevers. Just something none of us have tried yet. On the low side price wise. Another rarely seen option getting good reviews is the Continental TerrainContact.

    Kenda’s are the bottom rung in the ladder, we tried some of there car tires on a loaner and they wore out like erasers. The Continental Terrain Contact HT is a solid tire, we run them on a fleet account of ours and they hold up really well, if anyone is looking for a good highway tread tire they are great.

    Cody Meyers
    Posts: 474

    Has anybody here had any experience with the Nitto Recon Grappler tires? Ran across these and I can tell that I’m being marketed to…but their description aligns with what I need.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19017

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
    Here’s a wild shot in the dark. I have heard and read good things about Kenda Klevers. Just something none of us have tried yet. On the low side price wise. Another rarely seen option getting good reviews is the Continental TerrainContact.

    they wore out like erasers.


    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12734

    I ended up going with Hankook AT’s again. Found a Good deal with a rebate on them locally. I got close to 70,000 miles on the last ones and I did not rotate them anything like I should have. They go real well off road for hunting and fishing and the road noise is not bad at all. It was hard for me to change to something different when I was really happy with the last ones.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19017

    I ended up going with Hankook AT’s again. Found a Good deal with a rebate on them locally. I got close to 70,000 miles on the last ones and I did not rotate them anything like I should have. They go real well off road for hunting and fishing and the road noise is not bad at all. It was hard for me to change to something different when I was really happy with the last ones.

    I would do the same. I like them. I can only add how impressed I have been with dedicated snows. Its a small pain getting your tires changed out twice a year and storing one set but two sets of tires last twice as long and the winter performance of a dedicated snow tire has to be seen to truly believe.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12734

    I would do the same. I like them. I can only add how impressed I have been with dedicated snows. Its a small pain getting your tires changed out twice a year and storing one set but two sets of tires last twice as long and the winter performance of a dedicated snow tire has to be seen to truly believe.

    I think I’m going to go that route on my next truck I get. No AT or even a MT with match a true snow tire for Minnesota winters.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6795

    I will agree with you guys on snow tires for smaller stuff, however I can’t get myself to do it on a truck were I am going to run over stuff on the ice and back roads they run a softer compound so I would be worried about picking something up.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1533

    I have a 2014 F150 FX4, the current set of tires is BF Goodrich TA KO2’s. Just turned 80K on them and have 0 complaints. That said its time for new tires and I doubt I will have the truck for another 80K (its got 152K now). Thinking I will go with the BF Trail Terrain as they are rated for all season and heavy snow just as the KO2’s. That said the Trail Terrains would be roughly $250 less for a set as well. I have had them on a truck in the past and they are a smoother riding tire (less road noise as well)

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 659

    Just put a set of Hankook Dynapro AT2 Xtreme’s (RF12) on my F150. Discount tire matched the lowest price I could find online and they have a $90 rebate until November 6th. Seem to ride nice and don’t have much road noise. Drove down some gravel the other day and they didn’t pick up too many rocks in the treads. I am happy with them so far, will see how they last and how the winter traction is. For reference these are 275/65R18 tires.

    1. IMG_20221029_161901582.jpg

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19017

    Nice looking tire. I like what they did with the sidewall. Better looking than my AT2’s.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1533

    I have a 2014 F150 FX4, the current set of tires is BF Goodrich TA KO2’s. Just turned 80K on them and have 0 complaints. That said its time for new tires and I doubt I will have the truck for another 80K (its got 152K now). Thinking I will go with the BF Trail Terrain as they are rated for all season and heavy snow just as the KO2’s. That said the Trail Terrains would be roughly $250 less for a set as well. I have had them on a truck in the past and they are a smoother riding tire (less road noise as well)

    I ended up with the KO2’s again since the Trail Terrains are not made in a LT version

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6795

    I ended up with the KO2’s again since the Trail Terrains are not made in a LT version

    You will be happy you did, the Trails are no where near as aggressive as the KO’s. Not saying it’s a good or bad thing, aggressive tires are not for everyone.

    Posts: 615

    I did not read through the whole thread, but my vote goes to the General Grabber ATx. I have had them on my tundra for 2 years and love them, and also have them on our 4 runner.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2288

    Starting year 2 with my KO2’s with about 25k on them. Been happy with them so far. Road noise is not bad at all IMHO (if you keep up with the rotating). Wear seems reasonable. Have not had much chance to test the off road capabilities though. Not much snow last winter and certainly no mud this year. Although I was satisfied with the on-road performance on snow and ice.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9095


    I put the Falken ATs to some off-road tasks the past couple of weeks. They put on some miles in fields (recently picked corn fields), and then through the edges of fields that were immediately disced. There were also a couple of steep bluff sidehills up old logging “roads” to get to a neighbor’s food plot.

    They seem to perform well in fields and on the steep terrain without losing grip. The road noise isn’t overwhelming despite them being an aggressive tire. I did lose more than a full MPG on average so far, which was to be expected. The biggest con I still see is that these tires can really pick rocks. If you have hard packed gravel roads the tires will fill themselves before depositing them once you are back onto the highway. I cannot tell any noticeable difference between how the truck handles towing (17′ fiberglass boat or 24′ tritoon) with these tires on compared to previous tires.

    They seem like great tires for someone who uses a truck as a truck off road in fields, likely mud, or fairly deep snow (I’m guessing). They would not be my first choice if I lived in the suburbs and commuted around town or on the highways only though.

    Posts: 156

    Cooper at3 were just installed on my truck (on accident) and it’s incredible how much more gas they suck for the same size – whoever said they are a heavy tire is correct. Great ride, great in the woods and fresh cut corn last weekend. The shop said if I didn’t like them they had a 45 day return to fix their mistake. They are $300 cheaper so I thought I’d give them a rip. I have run them a few weeks and maybe 5-600 miles half with the boat half on the freeway and it’s several mpg lower. I called and had them order my usual bfg at’s.

    Posts: 135

    I went with the Goodyear Wrangler Adventure Kevlar. Got 68k on last set.

    Slipbob nick
    Posts: 133

    Had the hankook ats on the truck before we suv. Nothing but positives

    Mike Burke
    Posts: 32

    I have read through almost this whole thread and I didn’t see one mention for Firestone Tires ?

    Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    I just saw Falken Rubitrek tires on a light truck. Looked good. Reviews are they are new and not well known. Anybody given them a whirl?

    Austin MN
    Posts: 483

    I’m on my 3rd set of Bf Goodrich ko2s on one of my trucks. Have been getting 70k miles out of them. Other truck has nitto ridge grapplers on it may be that they are pretty wide for a truck tire but they suck in the snow compared to the BF Goodrich.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12637

    It’s been a surprisingly long time since we had a truck tire thread, so thought I’d bump this up.

    Any latest and greatest I should be looking at for my 1/2 ton? 275/60R/20’s that I drive about 20k miles a year and 99.9% is on the road, but I’d like something that won’t leave me stuck during that 0.1%. Last 2 sets were Hankook Dynapro’s (Liked them) and Hankook Extreme’s (did not like them on anything wet). Leaning toward some Falken Wildpeak A/T4W’s currently, but open to recommendations.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    My nephew is a manager at Discount Tire. When I asked him for a recommendation on a better winter tread for my Tundra, he hooked me up with Bridgestone KO2’s. There wasn’t much left of winter when I got them but they did way better in the snow than any tires I’ve had before.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22347

    It’s been a surprisingly long time since we had a truck tire thread, so thought I’d bump this up.

    Any latest and greatest I should be looking at for my 1/2 ton? 275/60R/20’s that I drive about 20k miles a year and 99.9% is on the road, but I’d like something that won’t leave me stuck during that 0.1%. Last 2 sets were Hankook Dynapro’s (Liked them) and Hankook Extreme’s (did not like them on anything wet). Leaning toward some Falken Wildpeak A/T4W’s currently, but open to recommendations.

    When I ran the 1/2 ton ram I tried a few different tires and was very happy with the falken wild peaks. I use as much off the path as on the road. You won’t be disappointed

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6795

    Any latest and greatest I should be looking at for my 1/2 ton? 275/60R/20’s that I drive about 20k miles a year and 99.9% is on the road, but I’d like something that won’t leave me stuck during that 0.1%. Last 2 sets were Hankook Dynapro’s (Liked them) and Hankook Extreme’s (did not like them on anything wet). Leaning toward some Falken Wildpeak A/T4W’s currently, but open to recommendations.

    I stand by my recommendation of the Goodyear Wrangler Adventure AT. Good off road traction but still quiet on the road. Handles everything you want to toss at them and more puncture resistant due to the kevlar in them. Nothing wrong with the Falkens if you more on a budget. Also the Toyo AT III are solid but a little more aggressive.

    The BFG KO’s are also really good, but more than you need and a little noisy.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19017

    I highly recommend 2 sets of tires. Snow tires are no joke and I won’t drive my truck without them. But I’m not arguing that a fresh set of anything else wont work.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22347

    I have ko2s on my 3/4 ton now and I think the falkens grabbed better, the ko2s will spin on wet grass where the falkens wouldn’t

    Posts: 674

    You whippin a lot shitties in people’s lawns BC?! I’m on my 3rd set of KO2s. They get well beyond the warrantied mileage and work as expected on all the terrains for my particular lifestyle so I just stick with them. Need to check what AT Wranglers I put on my wife’s Armada but they’re noisy as hell. Could of been the install job I suppose.

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