I did not read the posted link you refer to. However just in the paragraph you chose to quote and post the words and phrases used are no different than the other thousands of printed opinions.
We would expect, we would predict, estimated, predicted, etc. are all there just in the one paragraph. Don’t think they are going too far out on a limb with their “predictions”. Lots of room to back peddle in the event the bodies aren’t stacked like cord wood in the streets. Somebody finds a written opinion that aligns with their own thinking and everyone must read it and believe it or ignore it at your own peril.
As of right now, since this has surfaced in late January which puts us at about the sixty day mark the CDC is reporting 4226 confirmed cases and 75 deaths. Other numbers out there are reporting 6508 confirmed cases with 115 deaths. So going with the latter which is the more dire of the two we are at a fatality rate of 1.8%. Believe what you want and act accordingly.