Daytime fishing for walleyes during the warm summer months often means live bait rigging near deep water structure, extracting fish from well-developed weed beds, or targeting suspended fish with cranks…

Daytime fishing for walleyes during the warm summer months often means live bait rigging near deep water structure, extracting fish from well-developed weed beds, or targeting suspended fish with cranks…
I posted this idea last year but I thought this might be a good time to share the idea again with the current low water situation being an excellent opportunity…
Less than 3 weeks into the open water season here on Rainy Lake, and customers have landed 39 pike tipping the scales over 10lbs!! Most all of our pike are…
This cool spring weather has kept the bugs at bay but last night as I sat there in my long johns on a perfect spring catfishing evening I had my…
Have you ever struggled to tie yourself off on a log jam or found a perfect spot to pull up on the shore and wished you could tie off the…
You may be under the impression that Drift Control drift socks are tools designed exclusively for the lake angler. If so, you may be surprised to learn that I carry…
I’ve read my 2009 In-Fisherman Catfish Insider from end to end and found one rigging option that has me very intrigued. The blue cat article featuring John Jamison and Jeremy…
Those of you that drive pickup trucks probably have encountered the same problem I have. My Ford Ranger pick up truck has a standard 6 foot bed but is too…
With all the advancements in the fishing industry over recent years ranging from HD electronics, Global positioning, and "Heat Seeking" tackle one thing still remains a constant. Showcasing WHATEVER your…
This is a Cat Tip of the Day I first posted back in 2006. It works so good I thought I would bring it forward and post to the library…