Snowmobile Auger Mount Pictures

  • Fife
    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4052

    I picked up a 1999 Polaris last week, so my friend and I spent the weekend fabricating an auger rack. My goal was to have it mounted on the front, be very sturdy, look good, and not drill too many holes in the snowmobile. I think we accomplished all of those objectives. We made it so the upright pieces can easily be removed so I can put a cover on the sled while transporting on a trailer. All of the credit goes to my friend Jason who welded, cut, and dreamt up most of the design.

    Posts: 5660

    NICE!! I’m not nearly as crafty in the welding department. I have all of my guide sleds in shops. 2 just finished annual SLED REPAIR, and my main guide sled is having racks and auger mounts installed as I henpeck.

    Thanks for sharing!! Keeping those augers on suspension is a great plan!!!

    Jeff Bennett
    Lake Puckaway Wi.
    Posts: 1180

    Looks like a very nice setup! You got me thinking!

    Thanks from Jeff

    Posts: 357

    I recently made up a mount for mine. The arms are removable. I added angle supports after I made these pics.

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760

    How do you like that Nils Bee ? I have the hand auger and it cuts so good it’s freaky !!!!!

    Posts: 357


    How do you like that Nils Bee ? I have the hand auger and it cuts so good it’s freaky !!!!!

    The best way to go.

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