Big Buck Down – Finally

  • Gary Sanders
    Lake Wisconsin
    Posts: 434

    It’s been a stressful archery season for me this year. I’ve had six opportunities/close encounters with some very nice bucks on three different properties over the last week, but something always went south at the last second. As I typically tag one the first week of November annually, any time that week slips by unfilled – the pressure I put on myself stars to mount. (I want to get back on the water before it freezes)

    Yesterday’s hunt is when the plan finally came together. In the morning, I had this same buck broadside at 35 yards, but he paused behind some trees and did not provide a clear shot to the vitals. After a long, very cold and very uneventful sit contemplating whether I should move my stand, etc…I had a doe with a good buck on her heels come in and I shot it at 25 yards quartering away. After waiting a few minutes, and judging by the reaction of the animal after the shot, I thought to myself “smoked ’em”. I did not see the animal go down or hear a crash but the terrain is hilly and uneven so that did not particularly bother me.

    I could see my arrow through the binos, so I knew I had a complete pass-thru with two holes to bleed from. I decided to tie my hoist string to my bow and within seconds heard more deer approaching from behind me. I snuck a quick peek over my right shoulder and could see another doe and a nice heavy and wide 10 closing the distance fast. I stood, clipped on my release and started to draw as the buck walked directly underneath my stand. What the ?!#!. My string is tied to the cam on my bow! Oh well….Needless to say, I was not able to get the string off before he moved away into cover. (I have two buck tags) Would have been a chip shot and the reality of doubling on two P&Y deer after the week of frustration was not to be.

    1. 2104_Archery-Buck_2.jpg

    2. 2104_Archery-Buck_1.jpg

    3. EK000180.jpg

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    Double bump.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    Nice buck. I like the color on top of his head. Makes it look shaggy. He’s a damn hippy! lol

    Ben Brettingen
    Posts: 605

    Heck of. Deer! I’ve had that same problem climbing up into a stand…granted it was only on does! Congrats on grinding it out and getting it done!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Great deer and read!

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    Nice buck Gary. Way to put the time in and smack down on him.


    Bryan Myers
    Posts: 586

    Congrats on an awesome deer and great story!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    WTG! Damn nice buck. Congrats…..

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    Way to go Gary nice deer.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Awesome buck Gary congrats!!!

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    Nice buck Gary.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Congrats on a dandy buck Gary!

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Nice buck! Just curious how one gets two buck tags. This is a zone thing?

    Gary Sanders
    Lake Wisconsin
    Posts: 434

    Thanks guys. Most of you know just how much time and effort goes into this every year, the personal drive to succeed, and the emotional swings that go along with it. Fishing isn’t much different, just alot longer season.

    Lubie40: The Wisconsin southern farmland zone has bonus buck regulations in effect and is how I have or rather had, 2 buck tags. EAB sticker from 2013 is still valid this year.

    Governor Walker authorized $100k to pay Dr. James Kroll to review and advise on overall deer herd management. This is why there’s been so many regulations changes recently. Money well spent IMO.

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Sounds good thanks for the reply. I figured it was something like that! Congrats again on a dandy!

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Great buck congratulations! !!

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